Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Night

Halloween it is always so much fun.
Now that Ellie is in school it's great because
there is so much going on. We went to her
Halloween parade, all the kids in school get
to show off their costumes. For the parents
and the outher kids.

This is Ellie's Teacher Miss. Miller

Then Ellie's class Had a little Halloween party.
I got to be over it because I am one of the room mothers.

Finally It's time to go Trick-or-treating.

This is the kids and their best friends.
Jett, Alix, Nan, And Ellie


walkerfamily said...

I love the Halloween parade's at school. Looks like your school is a bit more organized than ours. Ours is just a mad jaunt through the hallways.

Jodi Collins said...

Very fun. I love Halloween.